The parable widens.
The coarse-grained stoneware body is enhanced on the outside by a veil of unrefined pumice-based glaze so that the rough and ‘dirty’ wall offers itself to the touch, letting the eye go inside where the mottled turquoise, smooth and vitreous, recalls the colours of the sea among the rocks. |
Size: L 27cm - H 45 cm - D 38 cm
Technique: Wheel throwing Clay: Grogged dark stoneware (groos chamotte) for the bodyGlaze: The coating is composed of three side-by-side glazes, shaped in the transition areas from one to the other:
Colorant used in all of three glazes: iron oxide. Additions: a dusting siliceous sand from the island of Vulcano, in Sicily (greenish areas) and a dusting of rust flakes (lack speckling); a spot of glaze based on red terracotta and kaolin (yellow speckling). underlying layer of Shino-type glaze. |
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